Why is My Thread Wrapping Around the Bobbin

Why The Thread Is wrapping around The Bobbin

A number of issues can lead to the thread wrapping around the bobbin. Here are some of the reasons

Improper threading

It is a frequent problem that leads to a number of sewing machine problems. Threading the sewing machine has to be done correctly, or the tension applied to the threads isn’t correct, and they could be tied around the threads of the bobbin. 

Threading machines isn’t tricky, but it is essential to keep an eye on the tension panels to determine and determine whether the tension applied to the thread is appropriate or not. There is a chance of a problem in either case when the tension on the thread is not enough or too low.

You must determine the cause is and then make sure you thread the machine correctly.

Building-up of dust and gunk on the sewing machine

Another reason the thread is not functioning as it should and getting stuck around the bobbin as you’re using the sewing machine is the accumulation of gunk and dust in the machine. Due to the continual use of the machine, dust particles and gunk are deposited on the machine’s surface. 

This builds up and restricts the regular operation of the equipment. The components of the machine become jammed because of such problems also. Dust and gunk in the machine hinder the speed of operation of the machine. It also tends to cause problems such as wrapping thread and so on.


Sewing machine requires oiling

If the machine is dried out due to intensive and frequent use, It is essential to have it oiled. If the machine requires oiling, then the machine’s components will become highly stiff and won’t function properly. This can cause various issues such as the bunching of threads around the bobbin or the wrapping in the thread to the bobbin etc. make sure you use the most appropriate oil for your sewing machine. oils such as 3-in 1 or baby oil should be avoided.

So, how often should you oil your sewing machine? You must ensure that, if you use the machine for an extended period, you oil it promptly to ensure every component is functioning effectively. 

The bobbin is Not properly fitted

Another cause of this issue could be improper or partial inserting of the bobbin into the machine. When threading, your machine has to ensure that the bobbin has been inserted correctly; otherwise, it can create problems during the regular operation of the machine.

It is essential to ensure that the bobbin has not been put in the wrong way and is not so tilted that it is causing problems for the thread and is caught around.

Check out the video below on how to properly insert a bobbin

Incorrect threading of the Bobbin

If the lower bobbin isn’t properly threaded can result in lots of problems with the speedy operation of the sewing device. The ideal way to thread the lower bobbin must be to allow the thread to move smoothly. If there’s a problem with this thread, it will become wrapped around it or get tangled up.

5 practical ways of preventing the thread from wrapping around the Bobbin

We’ve looked at the causes for the occurrence of this issue. We will now be discussing the different practical methods to address the problem.


Re-thread the machine

A problem with threading could cause numerous issues. If you’re having issues connecting the thread to the bobbin, the first action you must make is to re-thread the sewing machine.

Threading the sewing machine needs to be handled with extreme care, and you should be sure that the tensions on the threads and the bobbins are in the right place and not too tight or loose. When the threads are re-threaded, you’ll be able to see the issue because it will be resolved immediately.


Change the sewing machine needle

Another option to solve this issue is to replace the needle. It could be that the sewing machine needle isn’t appropriate for the type of thread or material you’re working with.

The needle is part of the upper section of the threading system of your sewing machine, and it must be of high quality. If there’s an issue in the threading of your needle, it could cause multiple issues, such as the ones mentioned above.

Thread the Bobbin Well

The bobbin also forms a component of threading the machine and must be placed and threaded correctly. If the bobbin isn’t correctly inserted into the sewing machine and is not threaded or winded correctly, it may cause various issues, such as the thread bunching and wrapping the thread around the bobbin.

This is why you should adequately wind the bobbin and then utilize the machine for any of your sewing tasks.

Clean the sewing machine properly

If you use your sewing machine frequently, ensure that you clean it thoroughly at least every two months. An extensive cleaning process of your sewing machine is required since there’s a lot of gunk and other debris that settles over it and causes an inefficient operation of the whole machine.

To prevent problems that may arise due to the buildup of gunk and dust within your equipment, be sure you’re properly cleaning your sewing machine.

Make Sure You Check The Bobbin Case

If the bobbin casing of your sewing machine has been damaged, this could cause the development of a problem like the thread is wrapped over the bobbin. It could be that the bobbin on the machine has been damaged or the bobbin isn’t placed correctly in it.

It is essential to look for any issues that could be causing this and, if they are present fixes, you can fix them to ensure the correct functioning of the sewing machine. The bobbin’s case has to be correctly fixed to permit the bobbin to wind up correctly and operate smoothly.

How can I prevent the thread from wrapping around the bobbin

If you wish to avoid the same situation when you work with your sewing device, you need to be mindful of certain things. If you do not wish to experience any obstruction while working on this machine, choose a few options to assist you in having a pleasant experience working on your machine. These are

  • Make sure that the sewing machine is well-oiled and well cleaned.
  • Correctly thread your machine.
  • Verify your threads are in the correct tension and the bobbins are in order.
  • Do not leave your computer open for long periods.
  • Learn the user’s manual thoroughly to be aware of all components well.
  • Use high-quality needles and threads that you can work with.

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