Singer Sewing Machine Bobbin Holder Came Out: Troubleshooting And Solutions

Has your sewing project ever been interrupted by the frustrating occurrence of the bobbin holder coming loose in your Singer sewing machine? You’re diligently guiding the fabric through when suddenly your machine starts making funky noises and tangled threads emerge from the underside. If this scenario sounds familiar, don’t worry – you’re not alone!

The bobbin holder coming out is a common issue that Singer sewing machine owners face at one point or another in their crafty journeys. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the various causes of this problem as well as solutions to get your project back on track. We’ll provide tips on troubleshooting when the bobbin holder pops out, walk through the steps for removing and replacing the bobbin case, discuss adjusting bobbin tension, proper bobbin threading technique, and maintenance solutions to prevent future recurrence.

Whether you’re new to sewing or a seasoned seamstress, dealing with a loose bobbin holder can be frustrating but it doesn’t have to halt your creativity for long. Let’s get into it!

What Causes the Bobbin Holder to Come Out of a Singer Sewing Machine?

Before diving into troubleshooting solutions, it’s helpful to understand the common culprits behind this pesky issue. Here are some of the frequent causes of the bobbin holder coming loose in Singer sewing machines:

Incorrect Bobbin Placement

If the bobbin or bobbin holder is not securely clicked into the proper position, the motion of sewing can cause it to pop out of place. Always ensure these components are correctly inserted before beginning your project.

Wrong Bobbin Size

Using a bobbin that is the incorrect size for your particular Singer model can lead to the bobbin holder coming loose mid-sewing. Double check that you’re using the bobbin type recommended in your machine’s manual.

Lint or Thread Build-Up

Over time, small bits of lint and stray threads can accumulate in the bobbin area. This buildup can prevent the bobbin holder from sitting properly in position, causing it to dislodge.

Aggressive Fabric Pulling

If you’re aggressively pulling or tugging the fabric as you sew, this added pressure can force the bobbin holder out of place. Let the feed dogs move the fabric at the intended pace.

Worn Out Bobbin Holder

With regular use over many sewing hours, the bobbin holder itself can become worn out. Signs like cracked plastic indicate it’s time for a replacement.

Now that we know what causes this headache, let’s get into the solutions!

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Troubleshooting Steps When the Bobbin Holder Comes Out

When you notice your Singer machine is suddenly not sewing properly mid-project, the bobbin holder likely came loose from its position. Try the following troubleshooting steps to get sewing again:

  • Unplug the machine – For safety, always unplug before investigating bobbin issues. This prevents accidental starting.
  • Clean the bobbin area – Remove the bobbin holder and use a lint brush to clear any accumulated lint or stray threads from the casing and surrounding area.
  • Inspect the bobbin holder – Check for any worn sections, cracks, or damage. Replace if needed.
  • Reinsert the bobbin – Place your bobbin back into the holder, ensuring the thread unwinds in the correct direction per your manual.
  • Reinsert bobbin holder – Gently slide the bobbin holder back into the casing, aligning the positioning notch until it clicks into place.
  • Re-thread the machine – Referring to your manual, re-thread the upper threading path and bobbin properly.
  • Test on fabric – Do a test stitch on some scrap fabric and observe sewing performance. Make any needed tension adjustments.

With some investigating and cleaning, you can typically get your Singer machine back up and running smoothly. But if the bobbin holder continues to pop out, moving on to replacing components may be needed.

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Removing and Replacing the Bobbin Case

If troubleshooting and cleaning don’t solve your bobbin dilemmas, replacing the bobbin case itself is the next step. Here is how to remove and install a new one:

Remove Existing Bobbin Case

  • Raise the needle to its highest point and remove the needle plate cover
  • Locate the bobbin case latch and gently release the hook mechanism
  • Grip the sides of the bobbin case and lift upward to fully remove the old case

Install New Bobbin Case

  • Slide the new Singer bobbin case into the holder, aligning the orientation properly
  • The open side should face toward the feed dogs and fabric movement direction
  • Engage the latch to secure the bobbin case into the locked position
  • Replace the needle plate cover before re-threading
  • Insert a bobbin and thread just as before
  • Turn handwheel to ensure case is engaging properly then do a test stitch

Replacing a worn or damaged bobbin case requires finding one that is compatible with your specific Singer model. Be sure to shop for the correct part. With the proper installation, your new bobbin case will have your sewing machine running like new again!

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Adjusting Bobbin Case Tension

Sometimes the root of mysterious sewing problems actually stems from improper bobbin tension. Adjusting this correctly can get your stitches back on track. Here’s a primer on optimizing bobbin case tension:

Signs of Improper Bobbin Tension:

  • Loops or tangled thread on underside of fabric
  • Uneven or loose bottom stitches
  • Thread jamming in bobbin area

Adjusting the Bobbin Case Tension Screw:

  • Locate small tension screw on side of bobbin case
  • Turn screw in small increments with screwdriver
  • Tightening screw increases tension
  • Loosening screw reduces tension

Finding Ideal Tension Balance:

  • Make adjustments then test on fabric scrap
  • Ideal tension shows even, straight stitches top and bottom
  • Fine tune screw tension until balance is achieved

Be patient in the process of honing in the right bobbin tension – small turns of the screw make a noticeable difference. With practice, you’ll become skilled at identifying and adjusting tension. Proper tension contributes to professional finishing and helps prevent future issues like the bobbin holder coming loose.

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Mastering Bobbin Threading

Correctly threading both the top thread and bobbin is essential for avoiding problems and keeping your Singer machine happily stitching. Here are some key bobbin threading tips:

  • Always refer to your machine’s specific manual for how to thread the bobbin case. This varies across models.
  • The thread pathway through the tension spring and around the bobbin case notch must be followed precisely.
  • Leave a 3-4 inch thread tail extending from the bobbin before trimming excess.
  • When seated in the machine, the bobbin direction should match what is shown in the manual graphics.
  • Slowly turn hand wheel to pickup bobbin thread through the needle plate before sewing.
  • Avoid overfilling bobbins which can cause tangling or jamming.

Proper bobbin threading technique, combined with matching tension, allows the top and bottom threads to interlock neatly for optimal stitches. Taking time to master this skill will serve you well in all your sewing projects.

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Maintenance Tips to Prevent Bobbin Holder Issues

Consistent machine maintenance can go a long way toward preventing nuisance issues like the bobbin holder popping out while sewing. Here are some upkeep tips:

  • Clean bobbin area regularly – Use a brush or compressed air to remove lint and threads around case.
  • Always use correct bobbin type and size for your machine. Never substitute.
  • Check bobbin holder insertion every time you change the bobbin. Listen for click.
  • Avoid pulling or tugging fabric. Allow feed dogs to advance fabric as intended.
  • Consider having your machine professionally serviced annually to catch issues.
  • Replace any damaged or defective parts like worn out bobbin holders.
  • Follow all guidelines in your Singer manual for threading, oiling, and using your machine.

Just like changing the oil in your car, regular sewing machine maintenance will maximize performance and longevity! A well cared for machine has fewer hiccups.


Dealing with a loose bobbin holder in your Singer sewing machine can certainly be frustrating. But as we’ve explored, there are straightforward troubleshooting techniques you can try to get your project back on track. Identifying the underlying cause, replacing defective parts, cleaning the bobbin area, adjusting tensions properly, and consistent maintenance will all help prevent headaches.

Be patient with the process, follow the guidance in your Singer manual, and don’t be afraid to reach out to a professional repair service if needed. With a little diligence, you and your sewing companion can continue creating beautiful works of art!

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